Operation Frosty

Commack Ambulance "Operation Frosty"
Commack Volunteer Ambulance Corps proudly presents our Annual Operation Frosty Toy & Food Drive on.
Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Requests are now being accepted. Please click HERE or fill out the form found below.
Santa, Frosty and the elves are getting ready to visit all the good children of the Commack Ambulance District. This year, we will also be collecting toys and food to donate to local charities.
Gather your neighbors, friends and family together and request a stop at your house. Please have a minimum of 15 children at your stop.
Due to Santa’s limited time availability at this time of year, he will do his best to accommodate your request. Stops last approximately 5-10 minutes. Times can not be guaranteed.
**We can only visit residents of the Commack Volunteer Ambulance District**
We will post the route and contact you by December 10th if your stop is selected, and to confirm the location and time. Remember to have a new unwrapped toy AND non-perishable food item for each child to donate to less fortunate families in our community.
Happy Holidays from everyone at the Commack Volunteer Ambulance Corps!